Friday, July 3, 2009

Silver lining to the economic storm cloud

Mom always said there is a silver lining in every cloud. While this recession has been far reaching and painful for just about everyone around the globe, there will be some good that comes from it. At home, I'm constantly reviewing every penny I'm spending and re-analyzing whether or not each expense makes sense. We're doing the same at the credit union. The recession has caused everyone to tighten belts at home and at work. We'll be operating more efficiently in the long run. Seems everyone I talk to is wishing they would've done this a few years ago.

Hard times teach lessons. Here's a great article from The Daily Green on "6 Upsides to a Down Economy". One of the benefits he mentions is Americans are saving more and relying on credit less - that will come in handy years down the road. We're also wasting less, driving less and buying smaller homes - that's better for the environment. We're eating better - that's sure to improve our quality of life and reduce medical expenses. He also suggests that locally owned businesses may benefit from the multitude of big-box stores closing left and right. Great points and a positive spin on a painful economy - check it out.

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